Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lights On and Back at it for 2011

Well, it's time to get back at it.

After Christmas, I was planning to take a couple months' hiatus from Winged Beast Outfitters. I used the time to get my new blog off the ground, Drop The Reference Bomb, off the ground. I've been writing about my other life as a librarian.

Anyways, my break was cut short. A couple shows have fallen into my lap this past week, and I couldn't pass them up. So I've dusted off the screens and am getting ready to launch 2011... which is in fact the FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of the Winged Beast!

And since it's the the fifth, I'm going to do some auspicious things. Auspicious, besides the usual hustlin'! New Website(soonish)! New designs and prints! A special limited edition anniversary print coming out this spring! More music festivals (maybe)!

Amazing, right? It's a lot of new stuff to learn and a loooong to-do list. Still, I'm looking forward to a great year!

More on up coming shows later this week.