My table at the start of Craftalicious!
The lovely Teresa giving me a hand!
Me giving a nice visitor the run down.
Compared to Craftalicious, the Glebe craft event was a little more... umm... stately or something (it certainly was the most gorgeous venue I've ever sold in). Younger designers of my ilk were by far in the minority, with a lot more traditional crafts and such dominating the show. Still, it wasn't a wash... far from it. The older crowd meant that smaller ticket items were more the course de jour.
The Glebe fair was my first multi-day show. This was a huge learning opportunity for me, since I've mostly done one-day events. Coming out of Craftalicious I was low on some of my core shirts, but my resupply fell through. This left me innovating to fill my table. Trips to fabric land and the goodwill and late nights printing! And then selling all weekend (and printing at night)... it was quite the marathon. The result was, though, a few new innovations that I'm going to push forward (particularly in the scarf department).
Having so many market days in a row also meant that I had a good chance to evolve my table setup.
I think I'm a few steps closer to making full use of the space I get. I really see the need to make my display more vertical so that it's easier to see as people walk by. I have show dates in December(more to come on that) and I will definitely be testing out new ideas. And some ideas will be sticking around.
Now for some breathing room to restock and get organized for Puces Pop!
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